Petite Maison Montessori
Petite Maison Montessori is dedicated to providing an enriching and challenging educational environment where each child’s natural curiosity and interest is explored and cultivated. Multilingualism promotes intercultural dialogue and emphasizes that we are all part of one world.​

Our Staff
At Petite Maison, our incredible team of teachers, specialists, and support staff are the heart of our school community.
Our History
The origins of Petite Maison Montessori date back to 1997 when it first began as a Saturday school and an ArtLingo summer camp.
Facility & Licence
Petite Maison is proudly accredited by the Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators and has been licensed since 1999.

Our Programs

Toddler Program
(18 to 36 months)
Children are welcomed into our Toddler program at approximately 18 months old, where they embark on a transformative journey guided by our compassionate team of educators.

Extended Care
We offer extended care at the school so that children are welcome from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Casa Program
(3-6 years old)
Our Casa Program at the Montessori school offers children aged 3 to 6 a holistic educational experience aligned with Maria Montessori's philosophy.

Summer Camp (4-10 years old)
Registration for our amazing summer camp programs begins after
March Break.
Montessori 3 Year Program
Our Curriculum

Practical Life
“Help me do it myself.” Upon entering our casa classrooms, children are exposed to a variety of Practical Life activities.

“No one but a child can learn to perfect as many languages as he hears spoken.”

“The way to the brain is through the hands.” Sensorial materials help children classify and distinguish differences in size, texture, weight, sound, shape, taste, and colour.
Enrollment Process
Offer to Enrol/Waitlist
After you have applied online you will either be enrolled or waitlisted. Enrollment is based on the spaces available, date of application and age of your child. Offers of enrollment are valid for 1 week and the spaces offered can be secured by paying a deposit of 1 month of tuition on the TUIO platform.
For More Information
Petite Maison Montessori 126 O’Connor Drive, Toronto, ON M4K 2K7
Toddler Full Day
8:30am – 3:30pm
Casa Full Day
8:30am – 4pm
Extended Care
8:00 – 8:30am
4:00pm – 5:30pm
Business Hours
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:30 pm